The Top 5 2021 Style Tips:

How would you like to learn some style tips that will help you feel your absolute best this year?

There are five tips that can help you to build and develop your style to stand out amongst the rest and help to give you a little extra boost of confidence. 

Let’s start with tip #1 Don’t follow every trend!

Start a new trend or stay with one and build it into your own. Following every trend you come across will take away from your individuality and cause you to blend in with the crowd. 

Styling is all about creating something unique and individualistic. Add some patterns and textures to your current fits and you’ll see how your style begins to transform before your very eyes!

That brings us to tip #2 Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!

Invest in jewelry! Jewelry will help to complete your outfit. Whether that’s earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or rings, choose pieces that will complement your outfit. 

Adding other accessories such as hats, scarves, belts, ponchos, and purses will help to set your style apart!!

Tip #3 Plan your Outfits!

Plan your outfits ahead of time or even while you’re shopping to create a vision for what you want your style to look like. 

Planning your outfits ahead of time will help you to avoid picking them out last-minute. You want your outfit to feel well-thought-out and considered. 

Tip #4: Use others for inspiration!

It’s easy to fall into the trap of becoming jealous of those whose styles seem to be more developed than yours. 

Rather than comparing your style to theirs, use theirs as a source of inspiration!

What things are they using in their style that are working? What are some things that you would change to make the style your own?

And last but not least, Tip #5: When in doubt, overdress.

Not sure what to wear to a certain event? 

It’s always best to overdress when you are uncertain. You never want to come to an event undressed! Use your style wherever you go!

These five tips are sure to give you a little boost of encouragement to really find and rock your style this year!

Shop Elly Jaymes to craft and curate your style this year!!

March 01, 2021 — Nicole Diedrich